Welcome to Hirtshals Yard
We are specialists in ships and marine equipments

Welcome to Hirtshals Yard

At Hirtshals Yard we have specialised in dockings, repairs and services for fishing boats, small and medium-sized supply ships and tug boats for the offshore industry. However, we are also able to carry out planned maintenance, surface treatment and carry out emergency work on larger vessels along the quay.
Young management team – experienced organisation
Hirtshals Yard is run by Peter Jørgensen. Peter Jørgensen has more than 20 years of experience in the shipbuilding industry. Thus, the management team contribute with the most up-to-date knowledge, while our organisation comprises highly experienced employees with extensive knowledge of the industry. Moreover, we have unique partnerships with our local sub-contractors which enables us to be flexible whatever the job, for example by calling in experts with specialist knowledge. Therefore no tasks are too big or too small for us.
Hirtshals Yard is a unique partner in your next project.

Total solutions – one contact person

Hirtshals Yard focuses on transparency in all projects, repairs and solutions. Therefore, our customers only have one contact person who takes care of coordination, quality control and the scheduled delivery. For our customers, this is a guarantee that the entire process will proceed as agreed.
Flexible manpower
Hirtshals Yard is a shipyard with unique local back-up. This benefits our customers because we have strong working relationships with quality-conscious companies. Thus, we can guarantee even the most demanding solutions, as they are distributed between groups of professional companies encompassing all disciplines. We have access to manpower that can be hired for emergency jobs at short notice.
At Hirtshals Yard, we welcome any challenges with open arms.

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Alle former for reparationer, klassificering og ombygninger af fartøjer.

I vores overdækkede flydedok er vi i stand til at reparere og udføre overfladebehandling på skibe under optimale forhold.

Hirtshals Yard har fokus på gennemsigtighed i alle projekter, reparationer og løsninger. Vores kunder har kun én kontaktperson.

Hirtshals Yard ligger let tilgængeligt for skibe, især i Nordsøen og Skagerrak.
Contact us!
Jens Munksvej
DK-9850 Hirtshals
+45 96 56 98 99